Ken Addison - Teaching Pastor

We are thankful that you stopped by the most important link on our website. Something brought you here. Maybe you are in deep struggle or crisis, looking for something that will help. Maybe you’re looking for purpose in life, or a reason for hope. Maybe you want to know if you will go to heaven when you die. Maybe you have some doubts about your relationship with God or are trying to find answers to spiritual questions you have.

Whatever the need is that brought you here, there is a common need that we all have: A need that frankly is the greatest need that you and I have. A need that, if met, can give definition, perspective, hope, purpose, and help in any other need that we have in life. Our greatest need is one that the Bible not only defines for us, but one for which the Bible provides a glorious solution.

You see, God is the Creator. And part of His creation is And being God who is sovereign over all, Creator who made all things, He clearly has the right to tell us who to be and how to live. We find out who He calls us to be and how He calls us to live in the Bible, which also tells us that we aren't who He calls us to be and we don’t perfectly live like He calls us to. We sin. We are sinners who inherently disobey God and fall very short of His standard. And because God’s nature is righteousness and justice, He must punish this rebellion against Him that we all participate in. The punishment that we all deserve is eternal condemnation and torment in a real place that the Bible calls hell.

Yes, God is just and must punish sin. But He is also loving and compassionate. And that’s why God sent Jesus to this earth. Jesus is God in the flesh, perfectly holy and righteous, deserving of no condemnation because of who He is and because of His very nature. But when He died on the cross as a part of God’s plan, He was bearing the sins of sinners who would be brought into His family. Through His death, He was punished by God in the place of sinners, for their sins, receiving the wrath that we sinners deserved. And on the third day after His death, God raised Jesus from the dead, an assurance that God accepted the sacrifice of Jesus as full payment for the sins of any who would turn from their sins and place their faith in Him and His work alone for forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.

Have you done that? When you do, God legally sees your sins as punished already when Jesus died and sees you as perfectly righteous, based not on our record of unrighteousness, but based on the perfect, holy, righteous record of Jesus that He gives you as a gift. God treated Jesus like He was guilty of our sins so He could treat us as if we are righteous like Christ. This is our greatest need, to be forgiven of our sin by God and declared righteous by God through repenting of our sin and trusting fully in Jesus and His work alone for forgiveness, righteousness, and eternal life.

We highly recommend that you read this short presentation: 
“What is the Gospel?” by Greg Gilbert. This will help lead to a better understanding of who God is, who you are, who Jesus is and what He has done, and how to respond to Him in order to have your greatest need met. You will also find Scripture that the gospel truth comes from. And you will also find a sample prayer that helps you express your faith in Jesus.

If you would like to become a Christian, talk more about doing so, or have any questions, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page. When this, our greatest need is met, then all other needs in our life are re-shaped. Oh, they may be the same and need addressing. But we are different. And that makes all the difference. God bless you.



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